Simplify Your Float Spa

With Exclusive Business Consulting

Do You Remember Your First Float?

The journey that took you from that first pod to owning your own Float Therapy Spa is unique. You’re not just running a business; you’re offering a sanctuary where your customers can find peace, alleviate pain, and improve their health. It’s about more than just pods; it’s about the transformative experiences you provide.

You started this journey with a clear purpose: to help others find the same serenity and well-being you discovered. But lately, the weight of running the spa is becoming overwhelming. The joy of delivering stress relief to your customers contrasts sharply with your own stress about incoming bills, inconsistent pod usage, and the challenges of effective marketing and staffing.

Rediscover The Peace You Envisioned

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. You envisioned a thriving oasis of peace, yet find yourself overwhelmed by the daily grind. While your clients leave rejuvenated, you’re left with sleepless nights and constant pressure.

At Zenithara, I bring over a decade of experience in helping small businesses simplify their operations, build cohesive teams, enhance customer retention, and streamline systems and processes. I understand the unique challenges you face and am here to help you restore harmony to your daily business. Let’s fill those pods with a new generation of floaters and get you back to doing what you love.

Our Zenithara Float Spa Business Consulting includes:

  • Float Spa Pricing and Profitability Audit

  • Key Metrics Dashboard

  • Monthly Live Deep Dive Webinar On Topics Specific To Your Industry

  • Monthly 1:1 Strategy Sessions

  • Dedicated Support


Here is what I love about Quin: He is the most resilient person I know. He never backs down from a challenge and is willing to tackle it head on. He consumes and retains knowledge faster than most.

Zach Rinard | CEO

Meet Quin Marlow, Your Float Spa Efficiency Architect

Meet Quin Marlow, the owner of Zentithara

Quin Marlow
Float Spa Efficiency Architect

I’m Quin Marlow, the founder of Zenithara. With over a decade of helping visionaries like you build and refine their businesses, I’m here to support your journey.

Tenacity is at the heart of my approach. I’m committed to seeing every project and initiative through to the finish line. Over the years, I’ve learned the importance of slowing down and truly resting—a lesson that has been crucial to my personal and professional growth. Float therapy has played a transformative role in my life, and now I’m dedicated to helping float spas like yours gain traction in their communities. My goal is to see more people discover and benefit from the incredible advantages of floating, while ensuring your business thrives.

I am a husband, father of 5, and a proud part of the Anglican Church. On my off time, I am probably reading manga, the Church Fathers, or watching anime. Chances are the last movie I watched was probably Disney.

I like my coffee black, my cigars robust, and my whiskey neat.

Fun Fact:  I listen to my podcasts at 3x speed with all silences auto skipped.

Understand Your Float Spa

Operating a successful float spa goes beyond offering a relaxing experience—it requires a solid grasp of critical business metrics that fuel growth. Each decision you make directly affects your profitability. That’s why I’ve compiled seven essential metric pairs that every float spa owner needs to know, track, and manage effectively. As an additional bonus, I created a performance tool that will help you track and display the information you need.

Your Success Story Here

This spot is reserved for your success story. Imagine a thriving float spa where you know what is going on, meaningful decisions are made every day, and your pods are filled with floaters transforming their lives. With Zenithara by your side, this vision can become your reality. I’m here to support you through every step of the journey, turning challenges into opportunities and ensuring your spa not only survives but flourishes. Let’s work together to make your float spa the success story it’s destined to be.

We offer exclusive access to our consulting program with just one spot available per region

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